Posted in Daily Life

Life Update & Blog Update

I apologize for the lack of writing. I am currently in the process of prepping for Animefest, going back to college to get my Bachelor’s Degree and brainstorming business plans for the Etsy business I help my brother with. I have also been pulling multiple 10 hour shifts at my job. I hope to be back on track shortly and have a new post within this next week. Thank you for the support and sticking with me.

Another thing I want to touch base is on that I have split my blog into 2 two blogs now. This one will be for reviews of shows, anime, books or anything that really tickles my geek fancy and for mostly personal use. My other blog will be more for article and business use. I have moved my articles on here to the other blog, while keeping review and life blogs on here. If you do not want to follow my personal blog, but only my article blog, then please click on the link below to subscribe to my article blog.

Thanks again for your support!


I am a very novice blog writer. I am using Wordpress as a way to not only show my current writing skills but to improve and gain new writing skills along the way. I would like to eventually get into freelance writing with a focus in geek writing but also everyday life writing.