Posted in Geek

NaNoWriMo Challenge 2018

Hey everybody!! Many apologies for the long absence, I really hope these long MIA sessions do not continue. I am like 5 weeks into the semester and oh my gosh! It has been about 2-3 years since I have been in school but I didn’t think I would be this rusty at. I finally sorta getting a routine worked out. Just a quick glance at how my weeks ago and maybe you can see how writing in between has bee difficult. I live in Fort Worth and 4 days of week(Monday-Thursday) I commute to school in Denton. My commute consists of an almost 3-hour bus ride to school and an almost 3-hour trip back home. So, of course, I am just a tad exhausted when I get home. I do most my studying/homework on the bus and at school. Then I go to work 3 days a week(Friday – Sunday).  I am trying to get everything balanced out and trying to get caught up so I can eventually work in gym time because my weight is starting to finally effect my health. Wish me luck on that! But enough about me! On to the real reason of this post.

As I drew up my calendar on my dry erase board for October, which is 3 days away, I came to the realization that we are only a month away from one of the biggest writing events that come every November. Yes, you got it, the NaNoWriMo challenge! There are many people know what that is, but I know there is many who do not. To put it simply and to quote from the website: “On November 1, participants begin working towards the goal of writing a 50,000-word novel by 11:59 PM on November 30.” Yeah, you read that right, 50,000 words in one month! It is insane but oh so fun. You really learn about your writing abilities and can even improve on them. They have workshops and pod casts on their website for how to prep before the event starts. You can have pep talk messages sent to you on there or join local writing teams. You can earn badges on there, too. I highly encourage that if you are a writer or if you love writing, that you participate in this challenge. It is open to writers of all skill levels and yes, there are prizes for hitting the word goal. They prizes vary from year to year. I am excited for it, but also nervous.  I hope I will have time to participate. The link below is to their website and how the process works:

I promise I will try to make my next post a review~


I am a very novice blog writer. I am using Wordpress as a way to not only show my current writing skills but to improve and gain new writing skills along the way. I would like to eventually get into freelance writing with a focus in geek writing but also everyday life writing.